Restoring Brain Health with Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, or MeRT
Brain Treatment Center Atlanta
Unleashing the Power of Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy or MeRT: A Cutting-edge Solution for Autism, PTSD, Depression, Stroke Recovery, Head Injuries, and other neurological conditions.
Demonstrating Remarkable Effectiveness.
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Unlocking the Exceptional Power of MeRT and what makes it Unique.
At Brain Treatment Center Metro Atlanta, we use innovative technologies to identify & nurture areas of the brain that have difficulty communicating. MeRT is a more customized version of TMS (Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation), utilizing magnetic waves to stimulate improved connectivity and function. We start with advanced imaging and diagnostics, resulting in a precise map of exactly what is happening in your brain.
- Medication-Free Healing: Experience the MeRT difference with a drug-free approach, ensuring purity during and after treatment.
- Non-Invasive MeRT introduces the gentle touch of magnetic pulses, guaranteeing a painless and non-invasive therapeutic journey.
- FDA-Cleared equipment utilized in MeRT is not only FDA-cleared but also approved for specific condition treatments.
- Tailored Precision for Every Individual as the treatment is intricately programmed according to a diagnostic understanding of your unique brain patterns.
Our Medical Director
Dr. Julie Kim
Board-Certified Internist
With over 25 years of clinical medical experience, she has treated over 5,000 patients with MeRT and has dedicated the last decade to advancing MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) technology in her own practices and worldwide. Her experience has allowed her to expertly manage the clinical use of MeRT for her patients at
Brain Treatment Centers in California and the Brain Treatment Center Atlanta.
Dr. Kim has extensive experience in working with patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, and other conditions. Her passion is fueled by seeing the awe-inspiring results that MeRT has provided for her patients and witnessing the effects of the treatment, not only in her patients, but also in their families.
Conditions We Treat With MeRT or rTMS
MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) involves the use of gentle magnetic waves to stimulate improved brain function and connectivity. MeRT includes a detailed analysis of the patient’s brainwaves, followed by a customized treatment protocol that specifically targets and stimulates the brain where it is underperforming. These treatments are FDA-Approved for some forms of Depression and here in Atlanta, we have seen incredible successes using MeRT with Autism, TBI Concussion, and many other neurological conditions.
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Featured in Autism Parenting Magazine…
In the third week, something happened. The family was driving around sight-seeing when they realized that they were getting lost in the California desert. Mary and Frank began to argue, and right in the midst of it, the moment they had waited six years for finally came. “I remember he said a seven-word sentence basically to the effect of ‘I want you two to stop fighting.’ And it shocked me so much that I almost stopped breathing,” Frank recounts. “I looked at my wife and said ‘Do you realize what just happened? He just said a seven-word sentence.’ I had tears in my eyes, and I was happy at the same time. He was so upset that it pushed these words through.
From there, Frankie’s progress snowballed. They returned home after only a month, but the difference between the child who arrived in California and the one who left was striking. They had taken a video of Frankie on the plane when they started the journey, “and he’s just making baby babble,” Frank says.
We have another video of him on the plane coming back. And he looks out the window and says, ‘Goodbye California, see you soon.’ This was a nonverbal kid, 30 days earlier. And his feet are flat on the ground.”
Doctors said Frankie would continue to improve even without regular MeRT albeit a bit slower. Today, he is 11 years old, verbal, and attends a public school. He tells Frank stories about times when he wanted to speak but couldn’t.
MeRT Treatment for Autism Featured on “The Doctors”
Many children with autism have seen miraculous results after going through MeRT treatment.* “The Doctors” TV show interviewed Dr. Spencer O. Miller, who has been using this treatment, and also spoke to some moms of kids with autism and heard their amazing success stories. Click here to watch this episode.
* Results are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.
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Questions About MeRT? Contact Our New Patient Coordinator
We understand that you may have many questions about whether MeRT is the right treatment. This is not a decision you need to make right away.
Before making any decision about starting treatment, there are some simple steps that should be taken to determine if someone will benefit from this treatment – some non-invasive scans and a consultation with our doctor.
And before even that, a consultation with our New Patient Coordinator can help to better understand the various steps and how it all works. She is here to answer all your questions and explain our protocols. She can also assist you in getting scheduled if you decide to move forward with the initial testing and consultation.